Thursday, January 31, 2013

Making Homemade Wine...

In the event of a Grid Down crisis, liquor stores will be empty. One thing history has taught us, is that no matter how bad things get, people still want to drink.

You'll want to be able to provide them with alcohol for barter, or services rendered.

4 cups of puried fruit (grapes, strawberries, melon, apples, cherries, etc)

4 cups of sugar

1 package of yeast

1 gallon jug


1 balloon

rubber bands.

Mix the sugar with the puried fruit. Dissolve the yeast in a cup of warm (not hot) water, and add to fruit. Mix thoroughly, pour into the jug and add warm water to fill the gallon jug to about two inches below the neck. Cap and shake. Remove cap.

Place the balloon over the top of the jug, and secure it with the rubber band. If you have followed these directions correctly, the balloon will expand with the gas within a few hours, as a result of the fermentation (the process created by yeast and sugar). Store the mixture in a cool not cold place for three to four weeks.

Check the balloon daily. If it expands too tightly, remove it, so the gas can escape. Cap jug and shake to mix. Remove cap and replace balloon. When the balloon ceases to expand, the wine is ready.

Strain wine through a cheesecloth to remove pulp (optional)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Avocado Trees!

Future avocado tree...whichever pit sprouts first, gets to live. 

Now, you may be thinking "Survival Diva! Everyone knows avocado trees only grow in the south!"

Not if you grow them in a 5 gallon bucket, prune them to keep them small and bring them in during the cold season.

Why avocado?

If you're interested in growing your own avocado tree...

I'll keep you posted on the progress of my pits!

Thanks for reading!

Obligatory Introduction....

Yep. That's me. Gotta love drinking in the big city!.

Nice to meet you, and hope you stay along to share my journey!